Obedience. That is what I want from you.
I want you to be obedient to what you know is right and what my Word instructs you to do.
My Spirit is in you; your conscience is my voice speaking to your heart and mind.
I speak life and truth.
I offer wisdom, guidance, understanding, strength, joy, peace and so much more.
All of these are in your reach; they are available if you ask and seek them.
But so often you don’t obey my voice. You reject my instructions and my directions.
Instead, you travel blindly down your own path and create confusion and turmoil.
Right now, I tell you to pay attention; be active, be obedient!
I tell you; it is time for you to heed the call that is on your life.
Put into action the plan I have prepared for you.
I have spoken to you in many ways but you have a stubborn and lazy streak.
Pick yourself up and do it.
Shake off the mullygrubs.
Discard procrastination.
Resist the negative spirits that try to imprison you.
Move toward your goal, your destiny, your desires, and all the promises that are yours.
Jeremiah 7:23 But this command I gave them; 'Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be my people. And walk in all the way that I command you, that it may be well with you.'
This was a much needed word I received yesterday in my quiet time.