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Let’s do the Right Thing, Because It is the Right Thing


There are people all over this world that are hurting and in need of a kind word or a good deed, no judgement or condemnation, just simple conversation, acceptance, a little love and a smile. You may never know how those little acts of kindness you do are going to affect the people you touch. Everyone is going through something, and life just keeps going on; if you’re ready for it or not.

You may greet people every day who appear to be living on the outside but secretly dying alone on the inside. We are to look out for the interests of others not just for ourselves. Philipians 2:4 I wish we could see into the hearts of others as God sees them, maybe we would be more sensitive to their needs and enthusiastic about sharing the love of God with them. Being bold and sharing our faith is what we are called to do.

As I walked to my seat Sunday at church, I passed a young man dressed in black sitting alone with his head bent forward. I felt drawn to him but didn’t approach him at that time. When it was time to greet each other, I left my chair to go talk to this man. I felt God gave me a word for him. I always have little cards with a gospel message on them to hand out to people. So I brought one to him and shared a word of encouragement that he received openly. I told him how I felt God leading me to him as I passed him earlier, and I spoke the message God gave me, he took his hand folded into a fist and pounded it to his chest as in appreciation and agreement. He never said a word. He didn’t need to.     

Only God knows what that man is enduring and only God can carry him through. I may never see him again, but I pray that the Lord will bless him and meet his needs.

When I feel led to talk to someone, I don’t ask God if it’s Him leading me or ask Him for a sign any more. I just feel like it is the right thing to do, and I do it. I have been correct about 99.9% of the time. Sharing God’s message or encouraging someone always seems to be good and to be the right thing.

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