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It is Good

Updated: Mar 24, 2021

The heavens declare the glory of

God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Psalms 19:1 NKJV

God made the heavens, the seas, the earth, and everything and everyone in it. He said, “It is good". And it is so, so good. He is undoubtedly the most famous artist ever. He created what others only copy. Nature is one of God’s many blessing to humanity.

He is so worthy to be praised and should be praised daily!

We live in paradise right here on earth, yet sometimes we fail to see or appreciate the awesome beauty surrounding us. I am in awe of the wonders of nature and so enjoy seeing God in each picturesque scene. His color palette is out of this world. I sometimes wonder how many shades of green He has created. God enjoys showing off with His talents.

Romans 1:19-20 says, that we can know God,

His power and HIs divine nature in the things that He has made.


Do you know Him? Do you recognize Him in creation?

Do you enjoy the beauty that your eyes are blessed to see each day?

When was the last time you thanked Him for the gift of sight?

If we don’t praise Him, the heavens and earth will praise Him, the seas and everything that moves in them will praise Him. Praise God today for He is so, so good!

I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart;

I will tell of all Your marvelous works.

Psalm 9:1 NKJV

We were placed on this planet to nurture it, enjoy it, and to praise God and share His story. God is known through what He has created. If the people you meet don’t know Him; show Him to them, in creation.

I challenge you to take time this week to:

1. Enjoy creation.

2. Spend time watching the clouds.

3. Meditate in a beautiful out door setting.

4. Relax at a park and take time to breathe, smile, and smell the roses.

5. Praise God for all His many blessings and listen for His voice.

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