a Joyce Meyer quote
I googled phobias and discovered a total of 500. Some phobias are mild in nature and don’t hinder a person's daily activities. While others, debilitate and prevent people from living a healthy fulfilled life. I cannot imagine living under the sufficating control of fear which can be so extremely crippling.
Fear can creep into your mind when you least expect it.
Fear is the enemy’s weapon that he uses to overwhelm us.
Fears can be short lived and overcome or be daily baggage that constantly haunts its victims. The phobias and fears that humans experience are too numerous to count. People all over the world have had fear enter their life at some season.
Besides fear of spiders, snakes, water, flying, public speaking, fear of darkness, dentist/doctors etc. etc;
There are also personal and emotional fears;
fear of being rejected or being inadequate, being judged or hurt,
being alone, losing a job, or a loved one or losing ones health, etc.
God’s Word provides us with 365 scriptures about fear; one verse for every day of the year.
When He created us, He knew fear would be a puzzle piece in our lives.
Even Adam and Eve were engulfed with fear and shame in the
Garden of Eden when they sinned.
When our hearts, souls and minds are contaminated with fear our lives are paralyzed.
We cease to enjoy the world and life that God has created for us.
We could become introverts and concentrate on ourselves and our problems.
We miss all the promises and blessings God has right in front of us.
He wants only the best for us. He wants us to have peace of mind and a calm spirit. Is.26 ;3
He wants our minds to be focused on Him and not on problems and trials. Phil.4:8
He tells us to fear not, for He is always with us. We are never alone. Is.41:10
We are His children and He is our Heavenly Father. 2Cor. 6:18
We do not have to fear what man can do to us.? Heb.13:6
Nor do we have to fear evil. Ps.23:4
We are to trust in Him with all our hearts and not lean unto our own understanding. Prov.3:5-6
God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. 2Tim.1:7
When I am afraid, I will trust in the Lord. I know He has my back. I rest in His loving care.
Many times, we worry for nothing because some of the things we FEAR,
never even come to fruition.
False Evidence Appearing Real.