The story I posted on January 16, 2022 was going to be my last blog. It was time to renew my domain and the cost went up from last year. I didn’t feel comfortable spending that much money at this time and was wondering if my blog was actually blessing others like I hoped or was it just a waste of time and money.
I emailed the company to cancel my plan but they were persistent, so I just ignored their frequent notices.
I enjoyed the year I dedicated time and prayers to my writings but I thought that season was over for me and I had a peace about it.
My plan was to cancel the blog, however, God had another plan.
Proverbs 16:9 In their hearts humans plan their course,
but the Lord establishes their steps.
My coworker and friend Daisey, had been praying
through the week and listening to God whisper
to her to do several things. She was not only listening
but was also obedient. She knew of my decision to
cancel my domain and was understanding.
Over the weekend I received a text that money had been
deposited into my cheking account. I was confused
because noone owed me any money. It must be a
mistake,I thought.
Then I had a text from Daisey stating that she heard
Jesus tell her that she was to give me X amount of money
to continue my blog. She said if only one person gets
blessed it will be worth it. I questioned her several times
if she was sure and she said, “Jesus told me to do this so
it must have it’s purpose."
God’s plans and His ways are not always the same as mine
but I have learned not to argue with God or with people
who hear from God.
I dedicate this blog to my prayer partner and "blog supporter."
She is stirring me up to love and good works. Hebrews 10:24
I pray for God to bless her in every aspect of her life as she blesses others.
Thank you Daisey for your confidence and encouragement!
I also pray for God’s blessing to be in my writings and
that people will come to know my Jesus.
He can make a way where there seems to be know way.
Listen to Anne Wilson’s song -My Jesus.