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Carletta's Calling

  • carwoerner7

I woke up at about 3:30 this morning after a restless night because of a very disturbing dream. I laid in bed trying to go back to sleep and not dwell on it, but unwelcome flashes of the dream kept invading my thoughts. I prayed for a while trying to clear my mind but to no avail, the nightmare remained. I finally drug myself out of bed, put on my walking clothes, and started my trek to serenity.

I listened to inspiring Christian songs on Pandora, while I waited for Max Lucado's book - He still moves stones, to download. I walked and praised the Lord, lifting my hands up in worship. The darkness of my night's thoughts were vanishing. I was able to free my spirit and regain control of my psyche. The mind is like a battlefield sometimes and we need to be soldiers armed with the Word of God, ready to fight for our peace and sanity.

I belong to two Bible studies and have many friends who have many problems, some more serious than others. As we do life together, we share each other's burdens, and lift them up to the Lord. Sometimes, our prayer requests seem overwhelming, desperate, hopeless and unbearable. I am determined to keep praying no matter how impossible the need might be. I find it difficult when I pray, to keep my mind focused on how big my God is and what He can do. Instead of on the problem itself. I know He is the God of the ipossible, but sometimes my thoughts wander over to the dark side. I must remember that He is the One who can solve each need, and He will do it in His own time and in His own way.

I am learning to trust God, to listen, to pray, and to release my burdens to God's plan and His will. Letting go of the darkness clears way for the Light to shine forth in my prayer life and to free my mind to continue to intercede in faith. I may not see the answers to my prayers, the way I want them to be answered but I know that God is able and He cares, He answers our prayers.

Even if God does not answer my prayers the way I hope, I still trust Him.

My hope is in Him alone.

Check out the song, Even if by Mercy Me.

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  • carwoerner7

Updated: Aug 11

I've been reading in Luke 15 about the lost sheep, lost coin and the lost son. They are encouraging stories, because in each story they were all found.

However, I started thinking of family members, friends and their family members who still have lost loved ones; who are choosing to ignore God's attempts to find them and bring them home. The thought of someone, I know and love, missing out on their own spiritual awareness of God, grieves my spirit.

I pray for the lost often, and call on the Holy Spirit to send His laborers out into their fields to woo them to repentance, and have a "Come to Jesus moment!" God's love for us is so intense that He seeks each one of us out and rejoices when we are found. God is always watching and waiting for those who are wayward to return to His loving arms; no questions asked, no excuses necessary. God's love is persistent, tolerant and welcoming.

God has given us free will, so He allows us to wander from Him and do whatever it is that we need to do, but He is standing close by to rescue us as when we call Him. There are times in my own life that my walk with Jesus was not as it should be. I have ignored His promptings and decided that I knew what was best for me only to race back to Him when my palns failed. I'm thankful He is a loving and forgiving God.

When I think of how God transformed Paul's life; turning a christian killer into a fisher of men, a man on fire for God; I know he can save my loved ones also. There is nothing too hard for God! Praying for the salvation of others is a prayer that is without doubt, one that God will answer. I have witnessed many people, that I have prayed for, come to Christ and I rejoice, unfortunately there are so many more that are still lost.

Christ came to earth to seek and save the lost. Luke 19:10

God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1Tim. 2:3

He is not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance. 2Peter3;9

How do we pray for the lost

1. Pray for open eyes: for your own eyes to be aware of their need and pray for the lost that their eyes will be open to their need.

2. Pray for open doors and opportunities to share the gospel. (There are always opportunities, but you most be bold and open the doors.)

3. Pray for an open mouth. (I ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide my words and actions to encourage or minister to someone daily.)

4. Pray for open hearts. Ask God to do a work in people's hearts so they will respond in faith. (Taken from google.)

Everytime I see a plane in the air I whisper a little prayer; "God save all of the people in that plane, from the richest to the poorest, the youngest to the oldest."

I believe God hears and answers me whenever I pray that prayer.

Many our lost but they all can be found.

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  • carwoerner7

My morning started off at 330 and I struggled to return to sleep. I dozed off and on for a while and then finally dragged myself out of bed and went for a walk around 7am.

My mom has been having a problem with itching over her entire body for about 4 months.

The doctors at the clinic think it is from her dementia and have no solution or way of stopping it. Poor thing is totally miserable, frustrated and moans in anguish.

My heart breaks for her, and there is nothing that I can do to ease her.

I struggled to get her dressed in between her numerous attempts to scratch herself.

Then the day care bus driver was supposed to pick her up, but there was some confusion as to which driver was coming and he ended up being late. I was irritated and concerned about her appointment being canceled and if the aid assigned to meet mom at the ENT appointment would be able to remain with her for the entire visit. Everything seemed to work out well and mom was on her way to the doctor.

I decided to go for a swim since I had an afternoon to myself and no plans. I just wanted to relax. (By the way that isn't me in the picture above, lol.) I had the pool all to myself. I did some exercises and then just floated on my back with my eyes closed for about 10 minutes. All I could hear was the trickling of the water. I was suspended in the pool and I felt free, care free. I put all the morning's situations behind me and felt restful and peaceful.

I started thinking about how God wants us to "Be still and know that He is God." The stillness, I felt in the water, is how I desire to be in the midst of my daily struggles. I want to chillax in God's loving care as I float weigthlessly while He supplies all my needs and as He manages my every day. I can place all of my hurts and cares in His hands and know that He is well able. God wants us to have pool side peace in our minds, hearts, spirits and souls any time and in all situations.

My God will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory.

Phil. 4:19

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Isaiah 40:29

I pray that out of His glorius riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being. Eph. 3:16

It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my ways secure. Prov.18:32

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